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V-Day Traffic Woes: How to Survive the Road on Heart’s Day

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Manila is the second most traffic-congested city in the world, according to the TomTom 2019 Traffic Index. This does not come as a surprise to motorists and commuters who battle the capital’s major thoroughfares on a daily basis as the same report revealed that a motorist in Metro Manila spends an average of 257 hours or 10 days and 17 hours stuck in traffic.

The traffic situation significantly worsens during seasonal celebrations, especially those that fall on a “payday Friday.” Such is the case of this year’s Valentine’s Day. With Heart’s Day fast approaching, MAXXIS Tires offers a few tips on how to survive the heavy traffic:

Remember your BLOWBAGETS

    Always check your BLOWBAGETS — battery, light, oil, water, brake, air, gas, engine, tires and self — before hitting the road, whether you’re off to a planned out-of-town trip with your special someone or simply driving to work. This is to help ensure the safety of the driver and the passengers during the long hours on the road.

    Be equipped with high-quality and trusted tires

    Getting a flat tire in the middle of the road is every motorist’s worst nightmare. This spells disaster for both the vehicle owner and other motorists on the road because of the hazard it poses and the heavy traffic it may cause. This is why, aside from checking your tires before each travel, it is also important to invest in high-quality tires to ensure high performance and safety on the road.

    MAXXIS Tires offers high-quality tires to its customers. With decades of experience in the tire manufacturing industry, MAXXIS uses the most advanced technology in their facilities to develop quality tires for cars, light trucks, SUVs and motorcycles.

    Consider motorcycles as a mode of transportation

    Motorcycles have been the popular alternative for Filipinos to survive the struggle of commuting in Metro Manila, with commuters opting to buy a motorcycle of their own or availing the services of motorcycle ride-hailing apps. Provided that the driver and passenger are equipped with safety gears, motorcycles can help commuters get to their destinations on time and not miss out on important appointments – such as dates with extra special people.

    MAXXIS Tires has expanded its lineup of motorcycle tires to be able to cater to the growing number of motorcycles in terms of units and variants. MAXXIS offers tires with new tread patters specially designed for both wet and dry weather. The M6161-W, MA-G1 and VICTRA S98 ST all feature enhanced grip on wet roads while the Extramaxx M6233 and M6234 are equipped with an aggressive tread pattern designed for easy water dispersion.

    Enjoy the ride

    These tips can only do so much in helping you survive the Valentine’s Day traffic. Oftentimes the heavy traffic is unavoidable, so what better way to ease your commute by making the most out of the ride? Spend it with a loved one. Listen to your theme song. Share stories about your day. Celebrating love on V-Day – that’s what’s more important.


    About MAXXIS Tires

    MAXXIS Tires is a global tire brand known in more than 170 countries for its high performance. With more than 50 years of manufacturing experience, MAXXIS develops and produces tires of unequalled quality for cars, light trucks, SUVs and motorcycles using the most-advanced engineering facilities in the industry.

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